Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Partial Birth Abortion essays

Halfway Birth Abortion papers The 1972 section of Roe v. Swim has made premature birth the best good flashpoint in the United States today. For premature birth supporters, the issue is frequently surrounded as an issue of ladies' privileges and security. This contention, in any case, overlooks the truth that fetus removal - especially late- term of fractional birth fetus removal - includes the privileges of another individual also. This paper further contends that a baby is a human life, and qualified is in this way entitled for indistinguishable assurances from any individual who has been conceived. It further contends that the end of an embryo's life includes savage and agonizing methodology that would be likened to kill and torment. As a result of these components, this paper expresses that government courts ought to maintain the current restriction on halfway birth premature births, guaranteeing the equivalent fundamental insurances to the most powerless and blameless sections of American The issue of conceptive rights is an essential piece of the women's activist development, which accepts that the option to control one's body is vital to an individual's poise and autonomy. For some women's activists, the premature birth issue comes down to an issue of ladies' privileges. The fomentation against fetus removal is in this manner a fomentation against change. Expelling a lady's choice to end her own pregnancy beholds back to when ladies were restricted to customary sex jobs. Roe versus Swim has done considerably more than making premature births legitimate. The choice has additionally influenced customary jobs and values and has therefore disintegrated the old good request. Fetus removal is a combative issue definitely on the grounds that it has tested winning norms and caused a central move in the cultural force structures. Logical and moral meanings of personhood Star premature birth activists frequently compare the embryo to a mass that isn't unmistakable from the mother. In any case, this disregards the huge differentiation the undeveloped organism and embryo appreciates from the mother ... <! Incomplete Birth Abortion expositions The 1972 section of Roe v. Swim has made fetus removal the best good flashpoint in the United States today. For premature birth supporters, the issue is frequently confined as an issue of ladies' privileges and protection. This contention, in any case, overlooks the truth that premature birth - especially late- term of halfway birth fetus removal - includes the privileges of another person also. This paper further contends that an embryo is a human life, and qualified is in this manner entitled for indistinguishable insurances from any individual who has been conceived. It further contends that the end of an embryo's life includes fierce and excruciating methods that would be much the same as murder and torment. As a result of these variables, this paper expresses that government courts ought to maintain the current restriction on fractional birth premature births, guaranteeing the equivalent fundamental securities to the most defenseless and guiltless portions of American The issue of conceptive rights is a critical piece of the women's activist development, which accepts that the option to control one's body is vital to an individual's nobility and freedom. For some women's activists, the premature birth issue comes down to an issue of ladies' privileges. The fomentation against fetus removal is hence a disturbance against change. Evacuating a lady's choice to end her own pregnancy beholds back to when ladies were constrained to customary sex jobs. Roe versus Swim has done substantially more than making premature births legitimate. The choice has likewise influenced conventional jobs and values and has subsequently dissolved the old good request. Premature birth is a petulant issue correctly in light of the fact that it has tested winning guidelines and caused a key move in the cultural force structures. Logical and moral meanings of personhood Expert premature birth activists frequently compare the embryo to a mass that isn't particular from the mother. In any case, this disregards the huge qualification the undeveloped organism and hatchling appreciates from the mother ... <! Fractional Birth Abortion articles The 1972 entry of Roe v. Swim has made fetus removal the best good flashpoint in the United States today. For fetus removal supporters, the issue is regularly encircled as an issue of ladies' privileges and security. This contention, in any case, disregards the truth that fetus removal - especially late- term of halfway birth premature birth - includes the privileges of another individual too. This paper further contends that a hatchling is a human life, and qualified is along these lines entitled for indistinguishable securities from any individual who has been conceived. It further contends that the end of a baby's life includes vicious and agonizing systems that would be much the same as murder and torment. In view of these components, this paper expresses that government courts ought to maintain the current prohibition on incomplete birth premature births, guaranteeing the equivalent essential insurances to the most powerless and blameless sections of American The issue of regenerative rights is an essential piece of the women's activist development, which accepts that the option to control one's body is fundamental to an individual's poise and autonomy. For some women's activists, the premature birth issue comes down to an issue of ladies' privileges. The fomentation against fetus removal is in this way a tumult against change. Expelling a lady's choice to end her own pregnancy beholds back to when ladies were restricted to customary sex jobs. Roe versus Swim has done significantly more than making premature births legitimate. The choice has additionally influenced customary jobs and values and has therefore disintegrated the old good request. Fetus removal is a quarrelsome issue definitely on the grounds that it has tested winning gauges and caused a central move in the cultural force structures. Logical and moral meanings of personhood Star premature birth activists frequently compare the hatchling to a mass that isn't unmistakable from the mother. In any case, this disregards the noteworthy differentiation the undeveloped organism and hatchling appreciates from the mother ... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Bilingual Education Beneficial for Kinderkarten

Bilingual Education: Beneficial for Kindergarten to Catch it Young By M. H seventh December 2012 Abstract: Research has demonstrated that bilingual training has constructive outcome on kindergarten kids. The reason for this examination was to contemplate the advantages of bilingual training, which further aided in suggesting showcasing effort for the Canadian kindergarten school to build enrolments. A few investigations were considered like â€Å"Simon Task† and center gathering undertaking to comprehend the advantages. Study uncovers that bilingual kids perform better intellectual, expository errands and have preferable achievement rate over monolingual children.Keywords: Children, Bilingualism, Kindergarten, Cognitive, Bilingual, Education, Monolingual Page | 1 Introduction This report expects to address beneficial outcomes of bilingual training on small kids and to give proposals to Canadian kindergarten school through advertising effort to expand kindergarten understudy en rolment. Distinctive research philosophy considered in this report, which has been separated from investigates done by PhD understudies, teachers, specialists and researchers to give proof on the advantages of learning in two languages.One of the methodologies considered in this report was â€Å"Simon Task† led by Ioulia Kovelman and Ellen Bialystok, PhD understudy of York University, Canada. This gives exact proof that bilingual children beat intellectual undertakings than monolingual run. Besides, Bilingual kids are progressively inventive, scholarly and have longer capacity to focus. Discoveries 1. 1 Perform Cognitive Tasks Better Several looks into were embraced in the previous 20 years; to demonstrate bilingual youngsters are better than monolingual kids.In the ongoing past, Ioulia Kovelman and Ellen Bialystok, PhD understudy of York University, Canada assessed kids matured between 4-6 years. During their examination, they made two center gatherings, one gathering was mo nolingual who were conversant in their local language . I. e. French or English and another; bunch was bilingual (with capability in both the dialects, composed and oral). The thought was to test psychological capacity of the center gathering for which â€Å"Simon Task† strategy was thought of. It is an all inclusive technique rehearsed by researchers to see how human brain works and plays out certain tasks.The point was to see how children react to various hues and visuals. Thus, kids were approached to isolate various shapes according to their shading and size, created by PC which sprung up from various sides of the screen. Results were astounding as bilingual youngsters were more precise than monolingual gathering. Study portrays that bilingual mind works quicker and has dissimilar reasoning aptitudes which permits cerebrum to perceive and separate various articles simultaneously. Along these lines, bilingual youngsters will in general be more intelligent than monolingual companions and perform intellectual undertakings better. . 2 More Creative with Analytical Abilities An exploration led by Dr Lauchlan in Scotland and Sardinia, Italy-121 youngsters under age of 9 were taken in a gathering with monolingual and bilingual capacities, and were approached to perform diverse scientific, inventive, etymological and physical assignments. The accentuation was to assess how kids react to various errands. The bilingual learner’s execution and scholarly capacities were essentially higher I. e. (52%) than monolingual friends (48%) (Refer figure 1. 2) Page | 2Figure 1. 2 Pie diagram adjusted from information gave by Dr Strathclyde look into. 1. 3 Greater Success Rate There has been adequate proof, which uncovers that bilingualism is an advantage, as it gives higher work rates over monolingual individual. As expressed in 2006 Canadian statistics, information on French and English give more openings for work when contrasted with information on French or Eng lish alone. Allude to the accompanying diagram (figure 3. 3) Fi gure 3. 3 Page | 3 It is clear from the diagram that bilingual individuals have higher occupation prospects.This is a time of globalization, where the vast majority of the associations are worldwide. Subsequently, associations want to recruit workers who are capable in various dialects and comprehend different societies. 1. 4 Brain Development â€Å"Children who get familiar with a second language before the age of five have been appeared to have denser dim issue in their cerebrums than their monolingual peers† (Dai, 2012). As indicated by Cumming (2005) look into shows cerebrum has two noticeable tissues obvious to eyes known as white and dark issue. Source: Mechelli, A. Nature, October 2004; vol 431: p 757.In 2004 research led by Dr Mechelli and his group at University College, London, uncovered comparable outcomes. During their examination they assessed cerebrums of monolingual and bilingual individuals who we re acquainted with second language right off the bat in their life. One lot of gathering began learning second language at 2 years old and another individuals were acquainted with new dialect at 30 years old. The investigation uncovers, the individuals who started learning second language early would be wise to order and capability in second language. Besides, thickness of dim issue on the left half of their cerebrum was higher. Dark issue is mix of â€Å"head† nerves capacities for coordination and correspondence) Conclusions: It is obvious that youngsters who begin learning in two dialects at early age have subjective and etymological advantages over kids who are mono-semantic. Additionally, it gets ready youngsters for future to improve work. Decent variety easily falls into place for bilingual youngsters as it encourages them to develop, comprehend various parts of life and sets them up to change in multicultural condition, as they guzzle certain qualities over the span o f time.Due to these attributes it makes kids more intelligent and progressively sure as they learn in two dialects. Page | 4 Recommendations: ? Canadian kindergarten school should take a shot at incorporated advertising strategy to draw and teach guardians on the advantages of bilingual training. Advance print promotions in paper, magazines and diverse instructive sites concentrating on educational plan instilled by school, to guarantee their center is to thrive logical and psychological abilities of children while they learn two dialects as bilingual children will in general become more honed step by step. ? School should lead ducational fairs close to class region to give data and acclimate guardians about bilingual training. Particularly for a solid economy like Canada where individuals are required to communicate in two dialects. At the point when kids are acquainted with second dialects right off the bat in their life they adapt rapidly, ace the specialty of language and become capable as they are nimble and inventive. ? Forthcoming guardians ought to be welcomed for individual online course and talk meetings on school site. Prime spotlight ought to be on how double language learning can change kid’s life in a positive way as it gives introduction to various culture and diversities.Perhaps, helps youngsters later in their life for better work openings. ? E-mailers and Direct mailers ought to be sent to guardians underlining the way that a child’s cerebrum becomes quicker with bilingual training . Likewise, it fabricates logical, mental, etymological and inventive abilities by permitting cerebrum to react to two distinct dialects. Page | 5 References 1. â€Å"Bilingual kids ‘better at critical thinking skills† 2012, Scotland (UK),United Kingdom, Scotland, saw on 24th Nov 2012, ; http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-19109883; 2. 3.CummingW(2005),† The limit of the mind in learning various languages†, L ondon Sage Dai, A,2012, It’s a Small World After All from, saw 23 rd Nov 2012 http://www. thethunderproject. organization/its-a-little world-all things considered/#more-1053 4. Genesee, F 2004, ‘What do we think about bilingual training for greater part language understudies? ’, in TK Bhatia and W Ritchie (eds), Handbook of bilingualism and multiculturalism, Blackwell, Malden, pp. 547576. 5. Hitti ,M,2004,†Being Bilingual Boosts Brain Power† MDHelth news, saw 25 th Nov 2012 6. Lowry ,L, â€Å"Are Two Languages Better than One†, The Hanen Center, saw 24 th Nov 2012, ; http://www. anen. organization/Helpful-Info/Our-Views-on-the-News/Are-Two-Languages-Better-Than-One. aspx; 7. â€Å"Language Learning and the Developing Brain† (1996, winter). Learning Languages, 1 (2), 17. 8. MarianV, Faroqi-Shah, Y, Kaushanskaya,M, H. K and Sheng,L. 2009, â€Å"Bilingualism: Consequences for Language, Cognition, Development, and the Brain†, Asha Lea der, vol. 14, no. 13,pp. 10-13, saw twentieth Nov 2012. 9. Mechelli, A. Nature, October 2004; vol 431: p 757 10. â€Å"The preferences of bilingualism in Canada† 2008, Canadian chamber on learning, saw on 25 th Nov2012, Page | 6

Friday, August 21, 2020

Why I Choose to Be a Sociology Major

In contrast with past points I’ve contemplated, human science better suits what it is I need to do with my life. It has taken me some time to figure what my specialty is since I’ve been in school. Before pronouncing human science as a significant, I was a business major. I have consistently had a solid enthusiasm for business, however as I advanced with the program, it got clear to me that I have no enthusiasm for working in corporate America. I understood that I would much rather become and business person and find better approaches to help individuals. In the wake of eading up on human science, I saw that humanism offers you information that interprets no matter how you look at it, while business is progressively one-dimensional. Math has consistently been a shortcoming of mine, and fortunately, human science just requires one class. Despite the fact that that shouldn’t be a significant selling point, it certainly was for me! While I’m mindful that human science is in no way, shape or form simple, it is surely a help to realize that I will never again be tried on data that I feel is absolutely futile to me. I battled in most of my math related classes while I was a business major, and that was very epressing for me. After much discussion, I concluded that I would likely be ideal in the event that I decided on a profession course that did exclude enemies of subordinates and the Pythagorean hypothesis! Relationship building abilities are essential piece of any association, and humanism furnishes you with the data to consummate them. By concentrating how individuals function and connect, I will be progressively powerful in whatever profession way I decide to take. Human science will upgrade whatever information and experience I have concerning relationship building abilities since I will be increasingl y mindful of how to contact individuals on a progressively charming level.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Seperation of Church and State - 550 Words

Seperation of Church and State (Essay Sample) Content: Name Instructor Course Date Separation of Church and State in USA The separation of church and state in the US is one of the main ways the state has contributed to political theory and practice. Prior literature suggests that the aim of separating the church and the state was to protect both the state and the church. This was so to achieve or provide the liberty of worship, and subsequently for citizens to use religion as they wished. The separation, although supported by most US citizens, currently is perceived as jeopardy. This has seen to substantial debates and the objective is to seek whether the state and religion should be intertwined, mainly because there are instances where the government appears to favor one religion (Seidman and Murphy 10). Separation of the church does not apply in churches alone, but also other religions, and in particular, synagogues and mosques. For example, the same constitution, which has provisions of the separation of church and st ate, has passages, which appear to imply a view of the government’s relationship with religion. This is evident in the instance of â€Å"popular sovereignty,† which president Abraham Lincoln later described as â€Å"a government of the people, by the people and for the people.† In the foreseeable future, the United States government will have to establish a religion as an official religion, but for now, there are subtle ways, which the government has appeared to be supporting religious groups, both directly and indirectly. This is obvious in the logic that the churches do not pay tax, the government employs clergy in prisons, military and in the congress, and religiously affiliated hospitals, learning institutions receive government funds. On the other hand, the religious display on public property is controversial in the US, considering that the state owns public property, then, it becomes clear that the concept of separation of church and state is not upheld (Amundson 1-30). The government passes a religious message, either directly or indirectly in other many ways. Religious symbols or language is evident in the official mottos of the government, for example, â€Å"In God We Trust.† Although there have been formal legal challenges against such religious messages, the court has argued in favor of the texts. The court has further allowed legislative prayers during judicial sessions, and this only supports the notion that the â€Å"separation of church and state† is a myth. To be specific, the United States government has appeared to favor the Christian religion, and the most recent case affirms it all. In the year 2012, President Barack Obama, told a group of religious leaders that the passion of Christ played a role in helping him to overcome the hardship of an embattled presidency. In fact, the president went further to say amen, which publicly re-affirmed that he was ...

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Using the Spanish Verb Ganar

Ganar is a common Spanish verb that has as its basic sense the idea of accomplishment. As such, it can be translated to English in a variety of ways, depending on the context: to earn, to win, to reach, to defeat, to improve. Ganar is a cousin of the English gain and sometimes has that meaning as well. Ganar Meaning ‘To Earn’ In one of its most common usages, ganar is used to refer to how much money a person or business earns:  ¡Gana 80.00 dà ³lares solo por suscribirte a nuestro programa! (Earn $80 just for subscribing to our program!)Cada profesional ganarà ¡ 18.450 pesos uruguayos por mes. (Each professional will earn 18,450 Uruguayan pesos per month.)La compaà ±Ãƒ ­a ganaba muy poco dinero. (The company earned very little money.) Ganar Meaning ‘To Win’ Ganar can mean win in various senses: Adams ganà ³ la loterà ­a dos veces, en 1985 y 1986. (Adams won the lottery twice, in 1985 and 1986.)La empresa ganaba muchas veces en licitaciones internacionales. (The company won often in international bidding.)Carter ganà ³ el voto popular por un 50,1% contra 48,0% de Ford. (Carter won the popular vote with 50.1 percent against Fords 48.0 percent.)Entre 1936 y 1951 fue la estrella de los Yankees de Nueva York, equipo con el que ganà ³ nueve Series Mundiales. (Between 1936 and 1951 he was the star of the New York Yankees, the team that won nine World Series.)Ganaron los Cavaliers. (The Cavaliers won.)No ganamos la guerra contra las drogas. (We arent winning the war against drugs.) Ganar as a Verb of Achieving Ganar often conveys the sense of achievement. Translations to English can vary substantially: Ganà ³ mucho à ©xito escribiendo sobre los problemas de su ciudad. (He was very successful writing about his citys problems.)El Congreso ganà ³ su objetivo principal. (The Congress achieved its main goal.)Al menos 73 escaladores ganaron la cima el lunes. (At least 73 climbers reached the summit on Monday.)Las voces de los soldados ganaron intensidad cuando llegaron a la orilla. (The voices of the soldiers rose in intensity when they arrived at the shore.)Bolivia ganà ³ un escalà ³n, ubicà ¡ndose en el sitio 10 del ranking. (Bolivia reached a milestone, planting itself in 10th place.)   Using the Verbal Phrase Ganar En Ganar en can mean to improve or to gain in. Perdà ­ mi libertad, pero ganà © en felicidad. (I lost my freedom, but I became happier. Literally, I lost my freedom, but I gained in happiness.)Pablo y Marà ­a ganaron en fortaleza. (Pablo y Marà ­a became stronger. Literally, Pablo y Marà ­a gained in strength.) Ganarse The reflexive form ganarse usually means to deserve or otherwise suggests extraordinary effort. It also is frequently used to refer to those who win a lottery or drawing. Los atletas colombianas se ganaron la medalla de oro. (The Colombian athletes deserved the gold medal.)La compaà ±ia se ha ganado la reputacià ³n de là ­der innovador. (The company has deservedly earned its reputation as an innovative leader.)La felicidad invadià ³ a los 20 empleados, quienes se ganaron millones de dà ³lares. (Happiness overwhelmed the 20 employees, who won millions of dollars.)Al fin me ganà © la confianza y el respeto de su familia. (Finally I obtained the trust and respect of her family.) Using the Noun Form Gana Although you might expect that the noun form gana would refer to earnings or gains, it instead refers to the desire or appetite for something. It usually is used in the plural form.  ¿Que le dirà ­as a alguien que no tiene ganas de vivir? (What would you say to someone who doesnt have the desire to live?)Mis ganas de entender la vida y el mundo me llevaron a estudiar filosofà ­a en la universidad. (My desire to understand life and the world led me to study philosophy at the university.)Quiero ganas de hacer algo que no haya hecho nunca. (I want the desire to do something that has never been done before.) Etymology of Ganar Unlike most other Spanish verbs, ganar probably isnt of Latin origin. According to the Royal Spanish Academys dictionary, ganar possibly came from a Gothic word ganan, which meant to covet, along with Germanic and Nordic influences from words related to hunting, harvesting, and envy. Ganar and the English gain may be related to an ancient Proto-Indo-European root referring to striving. Key Takeaways Ganar often means to win or to earn and usually refers to having an accomplishment.The noun form is often used in the plural, ganas, and usually refers to a desire.The reflexive form ganarse often carries the idea of having an achievement due to a strong effort.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Business Ethics Unethical Business - 1526 Words

Carlos Mendez Professor Benton Phil 2306-83004 16 February 2016 The Unethical Business in Business Ethics When people think about ethics, it is usually about making decisions between good or bad. What is meant by this is that people normally think of doing good deeds, or giving to the disadvantaged as the typical form of ethics. What generally eludes most people, is ethics in the form of selecting between better or best. A great example can be in movies, where a superhero will be required to save one of two people. It is either a loved one, which it would be best for the hero’s personal interests, or a fellow superhero, which will be best in the interest of the people. An ethical choice of this nature is never an easy one to make. Another place where ethical choices are often made, but not regularly heard about is in businesses. The main purpose of a business is to remain profitable and continue operating as efficiently as possible. Ethics tie closely into business decisions because businesses normally have to make choices that might hurt others but will benefit their own company. Although some of these choices are in the best interest of the company, sometimes these decisions are only in the interest of those breaking ethical code. Choices made by a company can sometimes be misunderstood as unethical due to the severity of the decisions made. Recently, reporters Zach Carter and Ryan Grim posted an article in the politics section on Huffington Post about UntiedShow MoreRelatedEthics And Unethical Business Practices860 Words   |  4 PagesIn the past 20 years business failures, corporate scandals, and unethical CEO’s have been in the news on a constant basis. Enron, Worldcom, Hollinger International, Tyco, and Yahoo! suffered losses as a result of unethical business practices. Key factors, such as, productivity, retention of talented employees, business credibility, and legal issues decide whether a business will be successes or unsuccessful. The organization and its employee’s ethics, direct these factors to either increase or decreaseRead MoreThe Ethics Of An Unethical Business Practice1370 Words   |  6 Pagesof an unethical business practice can only come forth if the head of the entity deci des to turn a blind eye to what is happening within the organization. Dependent on the ethical stance of those leading the company, the concern for social responsibility will or will not be sizable. Ethical Theories. In accordance to the ethical theories that are known to society Pharmacare’s actions can be gauged on an ethical scale. The theories range from Utilitarianism, Deontology, Virtue ethics, and Ethics of careRead MoreAccounting Fraud And Unethical Business Ethics Essay1931 Words   |  8 Pagesexecutives such as Kenneth Lay, Jeffrey Skillings, and more. In 2000, its stock was rising by three to four hundred percent. Suddenly, Enron declared bankruptcy in December of 2001, which shocked people everywhere. Accounting fraud and unethical business ethics committed by the company were surfacing and thousands of people were losing their jobs and benefits. The route of Enron’s downfall was not the fraud, but the lack of moral compass within the founders and executives of the company. By havingRead MoreSales Ethics Is an Oxymoron1567 Words   |  7 PagesIs Sales-Ethics an Oxymoron? Globalization highlighted the ethical issues and concerns for every individual organization, multinational organizational conduct their operations under ethical code of conduct to confine the issues faced by unethical conducts. Many organizations such as pharmaceutical firms, technological firms and financial firms pay more attentions to ethical behavior to ensure the sales to consumers have been impeccably ethical. However managers pay attention to behavioral ethicalRead MoreSocial Implications Of Business Ethics1601 Words   |  7 PagesAssignment 3 Social implications of business ethics Introduction In this assignment I have been asked to describe the social implications of business ethics facing a selected business in its different areas of activity. I have then been asked to assess these social implications of business ethics. The business organisation I have chosen for this assignment is ‘Boots’. Social implications (P3) Social implication is a term used to describe the actions of a business that will have an impact on societyRead MoreUnethical Behavior And Ethical Behavior1519 Words   |  7 PagesUnethical behaviour and ethical behaviour are two factors that are found to be very different around the world. Ethical behaviour can be seen to come from an an individual with a high morality and proper conduct. Unethical behavior, defined as behaviour that violates generally accepted moral norms (Jones, 1991) can usually come from an individual that does not abide by the rules of morality. The professional world is where ethical and unethical behaviour is a constant topic. The professional worldRead MoreThe Evolution Of Business Ethics852 Words   |  4 PagesThe Evolution of Business Ethics Tim Bowles OMM-640 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Dr. Andree Swanson May 17, 2015 Abstract Just as individuals differ, so do their ethical concepts and value arrangements. Personal guidelines or policies for everyday ethical conduct. Like all policies, a code of ethics must be capable of being enforced. Just as if people, corporations and businesses too, have their ethical concepts, systematic science, and a business philosophy they must followRead MoreEthical Behavior : The Good And The Bad828 Words   |  4 PagesUniversity â€Æ' Ethics is needed within every organization. Before I get into that concept in great detail, I would first like to explain what ethics is. â€Å"The concept has come to mean various things to various people, but generally it s coming to know what it right or wrong in the workplace and doing what s right† (McNamara). This doesn’t intercept with the law. Yes, many legal things can be considered ethical and many illegal things can seem unethical, but many legal things can also be unethical. ThereforeRead MoreEssay about Business Ethics1439 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is ethics? Ethics can be defined as a set of principles used by an individual to govern his or her decisions in an effort to ensure fairness and equality. Business ethics, as defined by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is the applied ethics discipline that addresses the moral features of commercial activity. The same source also gives a history of business ethics which states that the concept as an acade mic principle is relatively young-only about forty years old; but in general is asRead MoreWeek 2 Essay747 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿ Business Research Ethics William Holloway January 8, 2014 Rosa Osuoha, Ph.D Business Research Ethics Consumers in today’s society are careful about how and when to invest his or her money in today’s ever changing economy. Organizations around the world are penalized for failing to follow the new laws or sanctioned by the security exchange commission. The precautions are put in place to help protect the organizations shareholders and investors.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Security and Privacy Challenges in Cloud Computing †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Security and Privacy Challenges in Cloud Computing. Answer: Introduction: I have executed this business research program on the topic Advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing for businesses. I have discussed the increasing use of cloud computing in the business along with the advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of cloud computing for businesses. Technology is widely being used by the businesses with a motive to gain a competitive advantage over the others in the industry. I have discussed the concept of cloud computing which is facilitating storage of the data in the space (Feng, et. al., 2011). Companies are looking for storage mediums for storing the data of the company at a safe and secure platform. I have framed an objective on the basis of which information related to the research program has been gathered. The objective behind conducting the research program is to advantages business is gaining from investing in the cloud computing and challenges faced due to cloud computing (Catteddu, 2010). I have defined a project scope according to which this research has covered the advantages business has realized from the use of cloud computing in the daily operations as well as disadvantages acting as a challenge for businesses using cloud computing. I have developed knowledge of the different aspects related to cloud computing and factors which motivate the business to use cloud computing. I have gathered quality data for the purpose of gaining a better understanding of the concept. I have analyzed different examples of the companies of the real world which are using cloud computing for enhancing the effectiveness of the operations and enhancing the performance (Takabi, et. al., 2010). I have understood that businesses are using cloud computing with a motive to deliver smooth technological services to the customers all around the globe. With the change in business environment, there has been a change in the manner data or information is stored by the business. I have understood t hat these changes in the business environment have resulted in increasing use of cloud computing by businesses (Zhang, et. al., 2010). I have developed knowledge of the various advantages and disadvantages of using cloud computing for businesses. These advantages of using cloud computing include storing the data at a common platform which is safe and secure, minimising the cost of the business involved in storing the data, ease of accessibility of data anytime, enhancement I the productivity of the services and from anywhere, reduction in the chances of error or duplicity as data is being managed from a single computer and retrieval of the data is fast (Sultan, 2010). Disadvantages of using cloud computing are lack of privacy, a threat to the confidentiality which is against the interest of the company, increase the need for technical staff for performing the operations and increase in the financial implications on the part of the business. I have analyzed different cases which proves that use of cloud computing has increased the chances of a threat to privacy and confidentiality. For the purpose of coping with this issue of threat to privacy and confidentiality, proper techniques or measures need to be applied (Subashini Kavitha, 2011). I have gathered data on the basis of the research questions and objectives set for the research program. For gathering quality and authentic data, I have used secondary sources of data collection. Secondary data has enhanced the reliability of the data discussed in this research program. Various books, articles, newspapers, journals, magazines, companys annual reports and other internet sources have been used for collecting data. Knowledge gained during the execution process of this research program has enhanced the skills and knowledge which will help me throughout my life (Chawla Sodhi, 2011). I have gained knowledge of the manner in which a research program has to be conducted. I have taken help from the internet sources which have guided my efforts in the right direction. This learning process has encouraged for performing the research programs in future in a better manner. I found this research program very useful which has formed a base for the future programs I will initiate for meeting the career goals (Danping Lee, 2011). I have come across that conducting a business research has developed my knowledge as well developed my skills which I will apply in future for attaining the goals set. Cloud computing is a trending aspect of the business environment and having knowledge of this will help me in taking better decisions for the management or storing the data. Management of data or information is crucial in this business environment as a threat to confidentiality is increasing. This knowledge has helped in completing this research program effectively and fulfilling the objectives of the business (Hofmann Woods, 2010). Completion of this research was required for attaining the objectives of the program. This knowledge will be used in the future career as knowledge of the trending aspects of the business environment for working effectively. Different roles and responsibilities are assigned to an individual for meeting the goals of the future career. Knowledge of the current trending aspects of the busines s environment will help me in fulfilling the future roles and responsibilities which are part of a future career in a better manner (Kuada, 2012). I have conducted this research program in a sequence for ensuring that the research is completed in an effective manner by covering every aspect. I have prepared a research plan on the basis of which research has been conducted. This research plan or schedule has provided a direction to me while conducting this research and ensuring that the research is performed without skipping out any important aspect which could have affected the successful completion of the research. I have selected the research topic and gathered data related to the research topic. I have learned about different methods or techniques which are being used by the researchers for conducting the research successfully and within the time frame. Challenge faced while conducting this research program was the completion of the research within the limited time available. For coping with this challenge, I have effectively used research methods or techniques (Aljabre, 2012). This research is very useful which has shaped my knowledge in a better manner regarding the research topic. I have understood that there is a need to consider different factors while selecting cloud computing for the business. These factors have the potential to create positive as well as negative impact on the business. Positive factors which I have analyzed include a reduction in the cost and increase in saving, enhancing the speed of the performing the functions of the business, enhancement in the productivity of the business and enhances the reliability as a backup of data can be created with the use of cloud computing. Negative factors which I have analyzed are lack of suitability for everyone, limited connectivity as cloud computing is dependent on the internet, lack of security and lack of customer support. I have used qualitative method for collecting data for the research. I have selected two major organizations of this area and name of the organizations are IBM and Google ( Armbrust, et. al., 2010). Secondary data has been collected which is second-hand data and is a reliable form of data which has contributed towards the quality of the research. Authentic sources have been used for this research program. Reliability and validity are important for every research as these factors together determine the quality of the research. I have identified few limitations while conducting this research. These limitations are related to data collection process, analysis of the data and maintaining the reliability and validity of the collected data for the research. Time schedule has been prepared by me for the identification of the different activities of this research and identifying the time which will be required for completing the activities (Chawla Sodhi, 2011). I have conducted this research in a systematic manner for ensuring that the research is focused on the goals set. For the attainment of the objective of the research, it was crucial to divide the research into different activities. These activities have ensured that the research has been conducted as per the plans and is moving in the right direction. Assignment one has covered the literature review part, objectives and scope which have formed a base for the concept of cloud computing. Assignment two has covered the research methodology section and summary of the literature review. This methodology section has developed my knowledge regarding the various approaches which can be used for conducting the research, collecting data, analyzing the collected data and forming conclusions on the basis of analyzed data (Danping Lee, 2011). I have understood that the research learning process is important as this enhances the learning and knowledge. This business research has encouraged and prepared me for conducting research programs in future for attaining the objectives. I will use this knowledge gained from the execution of this research program for conducting research in future. For attaining success in the future as a profession, there is a need to gather data of the business environment and how to apply the knowledge gained for performing the roles and responsibilities assigned. I have learned a lot from the execution of this research which will help me in meeting the career goals. References Aljabre, A. 2012, Cloud computing for increased business value, International Journal of Business and social science, 3(1). Armbrust, M., Fox, A., Griffith, R., Joseph, A. D., Katz, R., Konwinski, A. Zaharia, M. 2010, A view of cloud computing, Communications of the ACM, 53(4), 50-58. Catteddu, D., 2010, Cloud Computing: benefits, risks and recommendations for information security, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 17-17. Chawla, D. Sodhi, N., 2011, Research methodology: concepts and cases, Vikas Publishing House. Danping, L. Lee, C.K., 2011, A review of the research methodology for the re-entrant scheduling problem, International Journal of Production Research, 49(8), pp.2221-2242. Feng, D.G., Zhang, M., Zhang, Y. Xu, Z., 2011, Study on cloud computing security, Journal of software, 22(1), pp.71-83. Hofmann, P. Woods, D. 2010, Cloud computing: The limits of public clouds for business applications, IEEE Internet Computing, 14(6), 90-93. Kuada, J., 2012, Research methodology: A project guide for university students, Samfundslitteratur. Subashini, S. Kavitha, V., 2011, A survey on security issues in service delivery models of cloud computing, Journal of network and computer applications, 34(1), 1-11. Sultan, N. 2010, Cloud computing for education: A new dawn?, International Journal of Information Management, 30(2), 109-116. Takabi, H., Joshi, J.B. Ahn, G.J., 2010, Security and privacy challenges in cloud computing environments, IEEE Security Privacy, 8(6), pp.24-31. Zhang, Q., Cheng, L. Boutaba, R. 2010, Cloud computing: state-of-the-art and research challenges Journal of internet services and applications, 1(1), 7-18.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Pillars Essay free essay sample

Scholarship, leadership, character and service are all characteristics found in a National Honor Society member. Believe that I possess all of these characteristics and should be given the honor of becoming a INS member. The first characteristic scholarship, is best defined as the academic quality of a particular student. All National Honor Society members are required to maintain a 3. 5 GAP I have worked hard to maintain a 3. 5 GAP, and have received a card every semester since started at Coral Academy six years ago. The next characteristic is leadership. Leadership is helping, guiding or eating others to reach a goal.Im a leader not only in school but outside of school as well. Outside of school I am the elected captain of my swim team, am a Leader in Training (LIT) through my churchs nana program. In school, I lead by example, I get good grades not only in academics but in citizenship as well, and I was a member of National Junior Honor Society last year. We will write a custom essay sample on Pillars Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The third characteristic is character; It is defined as the qualities that form the individual nature of a person. Am a very honest, reliable, respectful, and responsible person. Im very friendly, courteous, cooperative, and I rarely reek the rules.The final characteristic is service. Service is any contributions made to a community without expecting anything in return. I provide many different services to my community. I have provided services in accordance with my church through programs like vacation bible school and nanas. I also volunteer my time at the SPA of Northern Nevada, and I help out with other miscellaneous community activities i. E. , expedition man. Thank you, for your time and consideration. And hope you find me worthy of receiving the honor of becoming a National Honor Society member.

Friday, March 13, 2020

College Interview Attire What to Wear to Your Interview

College Interview Attire What to Wear to Your Interview SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips As if college applications aren't stressful enough, an interview with the admissions department can ramp anxiety up to eleven. Though an interview is a great way to make a lasting impression, it also introduces some new things to worry about in addition to your application, such as what you're supposed to wear. Like all parts of the college application process, you want to make a good impression, but also be yourself. Not everyone is a fashion maven, and there are additional barriers for students experiencing academic hardship. If you have questions about what to wear to a college interview, you're in luck- we've got answers. From how to style yourself to how to afford business casual on a budget, this guide will help you look sharp and feel confident during your college interview. How to Pick an Outfit for a College Interview If you’re applying to college, it’s quite possible that you’ve never needed to understand what â€Å"business casual† means. How can you be both â€Å"business† and â€Å"casual?† Is that a suit with flip-flops? A skirt and your favorite band t-shirt?If you find the concept confusing, don’t worry- you’re not alone. â€Å"Business casual† is generally how students are advised to dress for college interviews, though some interviews in more professional settings may require you to jazz it right up to â€Å"business† sans â€Å"casual.† Be sure you get information about where you’ll be meeting ahead of time to be sure that your outfit matches the setting- no matter how great your suit is, it’s going to look a little silly in a boba tea shop. So what does business casual mean? This style of dress fits somewhere right between business or formal wear- suits, ties, dresses, the kind of thing you’d see Cheryl Blossom wear onRiverdale- and casual wear- t-shirts, jeans, hoodies, like you might see Riverdale's Archie or Betty wearing. Business casual is meant to be professional, but not uptight; a blazer over a button-up shirt, but not a suit, or a cute dress with flats rather than heels. While a little flair is acceptable, people should come away remembering you, not your outfit. But knowing what business casual is isn’t enough; you also need to buy it. If you or your family have money to spend, any department store will have appropriate business casual items, outlined below. If you’re on a strict budget or simply can’t afford new clothes, many thrift stores, as well as lower cost department stores like Wal-Mart and Target, carry blazers, button-up shirts, and dressy shoes in leather or faux-leather. There may also be local charities like Catie’s Closet or Clothes for Kids that can help you find free or low-cost business casual wear for your interview. Don’t be afraid to ask for help- these organizations want to help you succeed. If you’re unable to afford the perfect outfit and there are no organizations nearby to help you, don’t panic. Dressing well for your college interview is just one part of the application process. You might blow an interview by not showing up, refusing to speak, saying you cheat in school, or admitting that the only reason you’re there is because your parents made you apply, but your outfit probably won’t destroy your chances, particularly if the interviewer can see you made an effort. Aim for somewhere in the middle of the Archie-Cheryl fashion spectrum. What Should You Wear to a College Interview? Business casual is a good starting line for what to wear to a college interview, but some people, such as students who might be auditioning for an arts department or people with tattoos and piercings, may have some additional concerns about what to wear. And with pictures being worth a thousand words, here are a few outfits to help you plan your own college interview outfit. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Nines Bambines (@nines_bambines) on Nov 6, 2018 at 10:14pm PST This look is the perfect business casual- sharp, flattering, and not distracting. Business Casual for College Interviews Let your personality shine through in your words, not your clothing. Though these outfits might feel bland in comparison to your normal clothes, they’re the most appropriate thing to wear to an interview. "Business casual" doesn't have to mean unflattering or without personality- as the above outfit shows, you can look confident and work-appropriate at the same time. Dress a little more conservatively than you normally would. Even if you’re wearing a dress, your shoulders shouldn’t be bare- throw on a nice cardigan or blazer to go with your outfit. Your shoes should be clean and unscuffed, and preferably made of leather, fake leather, or suede. Nobody’s going to bend down and check that they’re the real thing, but they should look clean, polished, and professional. For colors, lean toward neutrals, pastels, and cool tones. Bright colors are fine, but try not to go too wild with mixing and matching patterns and bold tones- a blazer over a bright button-up is great, but a pink skirt with an orange shirt and blue shoes is probably pushing it. You want your interviewer to remember you, not your outfit. Opt for a high neckline over a low one. Leave v-necks and plunging necklines at home.Collared shirts are always a good idea for a college interview, and easy to find at any clothing store, including Wal-Mart or Target, as well as thrift stores. Choose no patterns over patterns, and conservative patterns over flamboyant ones. Checks are fine, but plaid is pushing it- and also tends a little more casual than business casual. A simple pattern of chevrons is fine, tropical toucans is not. Think a navy blue shirt with white embellishments or a white shirt with a cute pattern rather than bright with an eye-catching pattern. No jeans, no leggings. Tights should be plain, not patterned or extremely textured. Opt for dress pants, chinos, corduroys, or similar. You might be able to squeak by with dark denim with no holes or embellishments, but if you have another option, take it. Your shoes should be closed-toe and dressy. Heels aren’t necessary, particularly if you’ll also be touring the campus (coming soon - what to wear for a campus tour)- you want to have sure footing and be comfortable. Still, ditch the sneakers and opt for a comfortable ballet flat, wingtip, loafer, or boot. Opt for simplicity over elaborate decoration. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Matt Hartman | #runnineverlong (@runnineverlong) on Oct 30, 2018 at 7:52am PDT Something like this is great for an interview or an interview with an audition. What to Wear for College Auditions If you’re a musician or other performing artist and your interview also includes an audition, dress appropriately. Most of the same rules apply; think button-up shirts and khakis rather than jeans and t-shirts. But if you’re a classical musician, a black and white theme might be appropriate- black pants, white button-up shirt, black blazer, for example. Again, this won’t make or break your chances, but do be aware of what field you’re applying to and keep that in mind as you’re choosing outfits. View this post on Instagram A post shared by ð â€¢ ¸Ã° â€"”ð â€"™ð â€" Ã° â€"Šð â€"â€" ð â€¢ ºÃ° â€"‹ ð â€¢ ±Ã° â€"”ð â€" Ã° â€"Šð â€"Ëœ (@foxfell) on Jul 16, 2018 at 9:40am PDT Though the earrings are a little too big for a college interview, this classy look is perfectly fine with visible tattoos and piercings. What to Do If You Have Tattoos and Piercings If you have facial piercings, please, don’t try to hide them with a bandage. It looks far more unprofessional to try to cover them up with a bandage than to swap the jewelry out for something more understated, if necessary. College campuses are fairly used to wild hair colors, piercings, and tattoos. A nose stud isn’t likely to raise eyebrows unless you’re applying to a particularly conservative school. Use your best judgement- search social media for what students at that college look like, and decide whether it’s better to take your piercing out for a day or to just go with it. Tasteful tattoos are fine for most colleges, and will likely be covered up by an appropriate outfit anyway. If you have a tattoo of anything obscene or offensive, you should make efforts to cover it up. Makeup can help, but be sure to practice before your interview. If you have stretched piercings or body art in unusual places (such as your face or neck), there are ways to cover up or hide them. You can use makeup or a piercing retainer to temporarily hide tattoos or piercings. But keep in mind that neither of these options is foolproof- a retainer won’t trick anybody into thinking you don’t have a piercing on close inspection, though it might make it less obvious at first sight. If you feel like you’re going above and beyond to hide your tattoos and piercings, it might be worth considering whether this is the right school for you. Changing your entire personal appearance to get into college might mean that the school isn’t a good fit. If you’re willing to let the piercing go or have the tattoo removed if you get accepted, hiding it might be worth it- but if not, think about whether it’s really the right school for you. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Mary Zilba (@maryzilba) on Oct 30, 2018 at 8:38am PDT A bun and natural makeup are perfect for a college interview. How to Do Your Makeup and Hair for a College Interview Don’t go wild with styling your hair. Keep it simple: don’t worry about lots of gel, hours with a curling iron, or getting a whole new ‘do just for an interview. If you have long hair, consider putting it up in a bun or ponytail to keep it out of the way. Long, flowing waves are nice, but be sure that they’re styled well enough to hold up during an interview. If you’re not sure, a bun or ponytail will look fine. Colored hair shouldn’t be a problem for most schools. Follow business casual styling standards and you should be fine. If you’re concerned a school will frown on dyed hair, you can dye it back before the interview, but, as with piercings and tattoos, consider whether that’s something you’re willing to do for as long as you’re attending. If not, think about whether this is the right school for you. Keep your nails trimmed and clean. A simple manicure- a single color, French tips, and so on- is fine, but now’s not the time for those claw nails or elaborate nail art. Makeup should be natural and simple. There’s no need for heavy eye shadow, lots of eyeliner, or bright lipstick. Stick with neutral colors rather than being adventurous. Any perfume or cologne should be light, if worn at all. If someone can smell you more than a foot away, you’re wearing too much. Do opt for deodorant, though! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Junho âÅ" ª (@mrjunho3) on Oct 28, 2018 at 8:30am PDT Keep any accessories simple and understated. What Accessories to Wear at a College Interview Again, go simple. A light necklace, bracelet, or watch are perfect accessories. If your jewelry might be distracting- whether for you or for the interviewer- leave it at home. Clanky bangles, a statement necklace, or particularly flashy earrings are better for other settings. One accessory you should bring is a bag. You can keep any papers you get during the interview and tour, a water bottle, and anything else you might need safe and out of the way with an appropriate bag. Avoid backpacks or totes with flashy logos or energy drink branding. A simple brown or black messenger bag, a plain tote, or similar is a good choice. A plain backpack will also get the job done, but plain is the operative word; again, you don’t want to stand out for your clothing choice. A good business casual outfit should have you feeling like this. General Tips for Confidence During a College Interview All this information about outfits will help you dress the part, but what else can you do to look and feel your best during a college interview? #1: Wear Something Comfortable If you’re uncomfortable during your interview, you’re not going to be at your most confident. If your outfit isn’t working for you, swap it out for something that does. Break in your shoes and leave the itchy fabrics at home. #2: Find What Looks Good Business casual may not be your normal attire, but you still want your outfit to make you feel good. If you’re tugging at your sleeves or checking the height of your pants all day, you’re not projecting confidence. Other things may make you nervous, but your outfit shouldn’t. #3: Practice! Have a firm (but not overwhelming!) handshake and a confident greeting. If these aren’t things you’re already adept at, practice! Don’t just practice on your friends, who might laugh or go too soft on you. Find someone you trust to put the pressure on a little and see how you perform. #4: Be Prepared to Answer Questions Running through practice interviews will help you develop answers to questions ahead of time. Anticipate questions about your strengths and weaknesses as a student, and have genuine answers- admissions officers have heard every kind of humblebrag in existence, so be genuine. #5: Stay Healthy The night before your interview, get plenty of sleep. Eat a healthy breakfast the day of your interview, and drink plenty of water- and please, go to the bathroom before the interview. Good self-care will help you ace your interview because you’re operating at peak performance. What’s Next? You want to the right outfit for a college interview, but there's a whole lot more to prepare for, too. Check out this list of college interview tips to be sure you know exactly what to prepare for during your interview. Not every college requires an interview for admission. If an interview intimidates you- or you're certain it'll help you land a coveted acceptance letter- check out this list of colleges that require interviews to help you plan your applications. Though you're the one getting interviewed, a college interview is also a great place to ask questions about the college you're applying to that you can't find online. This list of questions to ask a college interviewer will help you get the most out of your experience. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Career of Advertising and Marketing Managers Research Paper

Career of Advertising and Marketing Managers - Research Paper Example All the components of marketing mix must be considered while making marketing decision B. Marketing manager 1. Role of marketing managers in product development 2. Marketing manager as the head of marketing department C. Knowledge, skills and abilities of a marketing manager 1. Required knowledge of a marketing manager 2. Skills required for one to become a marketing manager 3. Required abilities of a marketing manager D. Tasks and activities of a marketing manager 1. Occupational tasks of a marketing manager 2. General tasks of a marketing manager 3. Specific tasks of a marketing manager Conclusion To succeed in marketing, organizations have to employ the assistance of a qualified marketing manager. The manager, on the other hand, should be willing to apply the necessary knowledge and skills to market the ideology of the organization to potential customer. However, organizations have to be willing to provide the marketing manager with necessary resources to enable them execute their duties effectively. Introduction Eddie Robinson asserts that "The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence† (Eddie Robinson para 9). ... One of the myths about marketing is that an organization needs to understand marketing in order to succeed. On the contrary, business is all about people, and thus the organization needs to understand the people other than marketing itself. Another myth of marketing is that mass marketing is the best form of marketing. Conversely, there are other more effective marketing methods such as personal exposure, face-to-face marketing and direct marketing (Laidlaw para 8). These other forms requires proper planning, a role carried out by the marketing manager. Marketing has taken a very new dimension, leaving the old methods and adopting modern forms that yield better results. With the advancement in technology and the expansion of customer-product awareness, organizations are now reviewing their marketing strategies. This creates the need for acquisition of qualified workers to adapt to the changing world. According to the Direct Marketing Association, for instance, mobile direct marketing spending is expected to grow by 51% in 2011 and by 39% in the following year. As a result, the spending will reach $31.3 billion in 2011 and 35.4 billion the following year (Kaye para 1). Advertising agents and website designers are also aligning themselves to this new development. Nearly forty percent of companies in the United States use internet for marketing purposes, as indicated in the graph below (Kagan para 1). Graph 1: Online marketing statistics Source: Kagan 2011 Marketing as a career has a great potential for advancement and in return promoting high revenues to the organization. Over the last few years, marketing has taken a new dimension, with marketers embarking on online marketing and other contemporary forms of marketing. website, a

Monday, February 10, 2020

Identify the specific and unique culture of social networking Annotated Bibliography

Identify the specific and unique culture of social networking - Annotated Bibliography Example The article concludes that there exist distinct differences among those individuals that use various forms of social sites. It was found most of the Facebook users came from a privileged background as compared to MySpace users. Moreover, the academic achievement determined individual preference to any particular social site. The difference was most common among teenagers. The insight on this culture has been through the usage of social sites. By using the sites, I have come to realize that certain social sites are a reflection of groups such as professionals, academics, and celebrities. For example, joining some site that does not fit your group makes it difficult to interact and communicate with those that are well suited in that site. Bode, Leticia, Vraga, Emily, Borah, Porismita and Shah, Dhavan. â€Å"A New Space for Political Behavior: Political Social Networking and its Democratic Consequences.† Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Web 17 February 2013. . The article notes on increased political participation due to social networking sites. Moreover, the authors note that the majority of these sites have received a high concentration of young people. The authors further notes that there is growing political realm on the sites. The authors seek to note what has encouraged people participating in the sites to engage in political discourse. Moreover, they seek to establish what the effects of increased political participation. On the other hand, the author notes that there has been increased use of the sites among the politicians. Further, they note that the sites have been significantly used as a political tool in various parts of the world. The authors conclude that the use of social sites by young people has led to increased relevance in the political arena. Moreover, they note that these sites have increased the level of

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Soft Drinks in Rural Market in India Essay Example for Free

Soft Drinks in Rural Market in India Essay In India, the Coca-Cola and Pepsi soft drink brands suffered a setback in August of last year due to a product contamination scare. Both have cut profit margins to the bone in order to fend off competition from low-priced local fruit drinks. Indian consumers are accustomed to drinking a variety of locally-produced soft drinks that are sold in small stands throughout the country. Rural India is still a highly price-sensitive marketplace, so the major soft drink companies are forced to cut profit margins in order to compete there. Indias purchasing power parity per capita of US$2,850 is representative of a nation in which the average consumer has insufficient income to engage in discretionary spending. Nevertheless, during the hot season, spur-of-the-moment beverage sales are commonplace. In order to position themselves for sales growth, the major soft drink companies priced a 200-milliliter bottle at the equivalent of 11 U.S. cents. Although that price is not sustainable beyond the short term, management hopes that it will be enough to wrest market share away from local products and substantially increase sales volume in 2004. Beverage companies cannot afford to ignore Indias rural consumers if they wish to expand market share. According to data release by the PRB, only 28 percent of Indias population lived in urban areas in 2003. On average, rural consumers have a lower income level than their urban counterparts and demand lower-cost beverage options. In order to remain cost competitive, soft drink companies have to contain the transportation costs involved in expanding their distribution network into widespread towns and villages. Faced with high fuel and vehicle costs, companies are turning to less expensive means of transportation including ox carts and rickshaws. Another challenge facing the major soft drink companies is regaining consumer confidence in the aftermath of a well- publicized scandal over the presence of pesticides in some soft-drink products. A major publicity campaign aimed at regaining consumer confidence seems to be working, but bottlers need to avoid any more issues that would throw product safety into doubt. Recovering and maintaining an image of quality will be a key weapon in the struggle to take market share away from locally produced fruit beverages. Indian consumers are ready to opt for soft drinks, but not at a premium price.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Conrads Heart of Darkness and the Dehumanization of Africans Essay

Heart of Darkness and the Dehumanization of Africans      Ã‚  Ã‚   The Western world, generally speaking, is not kind to Africa and its native inhabitants. We acknowledge Africa's existence, but we do not want to see or understand anything about it beyond the obvious: overt things that are open to criticism like Apartheid (a European invention). The occasional praiseworthy entity is given momentary applause, but felicitations are short-lived and quickly forgotten. These statements refer just to politics, so one can imagine the rightful indignation by twentieth-century African writers when their work is largely ignored in favor of such enlightening fare as Heart of Darkness. One writer, Chinua Achebe, seeks to change this view by illustrating the complex, unquestionably civilized rituals and protocols of day-to-day African life. He is not alone in his endeavor, as several other writers also portray an Africa worthy of respect while they crumble the long-standing traditions of ignorant bias and patronization. Can Achebe really change the perception that Africa is nothing more than the heart of an immense darkness that surrounds all of us? That is exactly what he tries to do in his essay on racism. He ascertains that "white racism against Africa is such a normal way of thinking that its manifestations go completely unremarked." He further questions the classification of Heart of Darkness (or any work that dehumanizes Africans) as a "great work of art" (12). Obviously, this essay is more direct in its attack on the standard view of Africa than his novels, but Achebe uses the essay forum to state his hopes about the future of African literature in the West. He wants to rehabilitate this image that he keeps seeing from everyone who ha... ...oroughly rehabilitated me towards Africans in literature. Only a few billion more to go until Achebe can call his project a success.    Works Cited Achebe, Chinua. "An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness." Hopes and Impediments: Selected Essays. New York: Anchor, 1990. -- -- --. No Longer at Ease. London: Heinemann, 1960. -- -- --. Things Fall Apart. 1958. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, Expanded Edition, Vol. 1. Ed. Maynard Mack. London: Norton, 1995. Ba, Mariama. So Long a Letter. 1980. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, Expanded Edition, Vol. 1. Ed. Maynard Mack. London: Norton, 1995. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York: Signet, 1997. Soyinka, Wole. Death and the King's Horseman. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, Expanded Edition, Vol. 1. Ed. Maynard Mack. London: Norton, 1995.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Racial Divides in The Last of the Mohicans Essay

Throughout James Fennimore Cooper’s novel The Last of the Mohicans a common theme of interracial friendship and love and the difficulty it takes to overcome such an obstacle, is shown strongly in the work. In the novel Cooper shows how the America people of European decent treat those that are native, by showing how negatively they treat the Native Americans. Chingachgook and Hawkeye have a friendship that is genuine and deep, bypassing the normal relationship between that of a white man and a Mohican Indian. Interracial love and romantic relationships are condemned in The Last of the Mohicans, for example when, Cora, the older daughter of Munro, is approached by Magua and he explains his desire for their marriage it is preceded that their relationship is uncomfortable as well as awkward whereas Uncas and Cora’s mutual relationship ends in a terrible tragedy. Cooper makes it apparent that race was important in each individual’s acceptance and respect in the early American community, but the bond and friendship between Hawkeye and Chingachgook is stronger than the American community’s influence; there is also a common theme of interracial romantic relationships being impossible because of how Cora’s relationships with Uncas and Magua both come to an end. Numerous critics agree that Cooper’s novel makes the relationship between the Native Americans and the white Americans noticeably different from their affiliation with their own race. â€Å"The Last of the Mohicans shifts its action back in time to the mythopoetical realm when the future of American hung in the balance between the primitive and the civilized, between the French and the British, between the white and red men.† (Burt 1). Burt suggests that with the treatment between the characters it shows America at a different stage, one that is still being built on and not quite finished in construction. Burt also suggests that That the last of the Mohicans is honest in Cooper’s portrayal of the interaction that is between the two main races of the novel, all the way to the depths of the â€Å"psychology of Native Americans and their place in American culture and conscience.† (Burt 1). The racial conflicts in the novel are shown when â€Å"multiple cultures interact without physical conflict, settle their differences through dialogue.† (Rinne 15). The conversation that is presented throughout the novel seems to help settle some of the disputes, between many individuals like Alice and Magua, a relationship that exemplifies how white and red men confront one another. This concept of interracial interaction between the people of the novel, despite the bond between Hawkeye and Chingachgook, is shown clearly that it is not a pleasant connection. â€Å"As they traversed that short distance, not a voice was heard amongst them; but a slight exclamation proceeded from the younger of the females as the Indian runner glided by her unexpectedly and led the way along the military road in her front.† (Cooper 17). Alice shows her fear towards that of the Native blood, unlike her sister Cora, Alice struggles with others more. She is afraid and a symbol of the people that are not always shown in Cooper’s novel. As she continues to look at him, â€Å"an indescribable look of pity, admiration, and horror as her dark eye followed the easy motions of the savage.†(Cooper 17). She represents the way many of the other women of the time felt; uneasy and unsure of these people of any different race. Alice’s background is why she is chosen to represent the white population, since she is of pure blood. Throughout this novel the other American’s are shown as treating the Natives with little respect because of racism, believing that with their possessions such as their clothes, weapons, and education they are to be held to a higher standard and supreme to the Natives that surround them. In The Last of the Mohicans Cooper begins a trend with the creation of Hawkeye and Chingachgook’s relationship a â€Å"prototype for Ishmael and Queequeg, Huck and Jim, The Lone Ranger and Tonto–† (Burt 1). Hawkeye and Chingachgook have â€Å"a stark, stripped human relationship of two men, deeper then the deeps of sex.† (Burt 1). Cooper shows just how deep of a friendship these two men can have looking past all of the racial boundaries that are in position from the surrounding society. Despite the way interracial relations between the civilized and the savage were looked down upon Hawkeye and Chingachgook’s relationship continues without any such interference. Cooper makes the relationship important especially in the times of need, during the battle scenes and while they complete acts that make it clear that Hawkeye and his group are the protagonists of the story. This is a strong and deep connection between the two men making a statement for the time period, in which the story is set in. The constant reoccurrence of Hawkeye and Chingachgook’s relationship as friends in the Cooper’s novel shows the power of this symbol. The two men constantly look out for one another’s well being, Chingachgook gives Hawkeye information and reassures him his â€Å"ear shall drink no lie.† (Cooper 32) simply because they are friends. As the book continues the two men and the bond that is between them is proven to be deeper then the expectation of the average American community of the time. Through their dangerous journey they stumble upon much conflict, yet instead of burdening their friendship, it only builds their relationship as friends. Without one another they would have not made their journey through the forest protecting the young women as they did. Despite the thoughts of the Americans their relationship made things better rather than if they had not sought help from their friendship. Parts of Cooper’s novel â€Å"The last of the Mohicans derives its power from exploring threats to racial purity. Uncas and Cora deviants from the white norm threaten to cross radical lines and must be killed.† (Burt 3). Whereas â€Å"Heyward and Alice are free to marry and reproduce,† (Scalia 2) because unlike Cora and Uncas are following the â€Å"white norm.† Cooper sends the message that interracial romance and love is predestined for failure. Cora and Magua’s relationship is awkward despite Cora’s initial attraction towards the Indian. Cora and Uncas relationship ends in the terrible tragedy of death, because of her refusal to marry Magua. Cooper also suggests â€Å"it is Cora’s dark blood that accounts for her boldness†¦ accounting for the mutual yet sublimated attraction of both Cora and Uncas.† (Blakemore 43). Blakemore explains that their relationship contained mutual feelings towards each other even though their r elationship is considered unacceptable. From the beginning of the novel the factor of interracial coupling is there because of Cora’s mother being of a different race. Although the element is there Cooper also implies that these relationships are hopeless, for example when Magua and Cora’s relationship is uncomfortable and unnatural. â€Å"‘Listen’ said the Indian, laying his hand firmly upon her arm as if willing to draw her utmost attention to his words; a movement that Cora as firmly but quietly repulsed by extracting the limb from his grasp.† (Cooper 121). Cora does not let Magua touch her despite his efforts to keep her under his control. Where like Magua and Cora’s relationship is a failure so is Uncas and Cora’s because it ends in tragedy of each characters death. â€Å"Magua recoiled a step; and one of his assistants, profiting by the chance, sheathed his own knife in the bosom of Cora.† (Cooper 413). Cora is killed before her and Uncas are allowed to love one another fully. Although this relationship is considered improper their desire for one another is still persistently shown throughout the novel. In conclusion, James Fennimore Cooper’s novel The Last of the Mohicans is a powerful novel filled with many different issues involving interracial tribulations. Using some of the main characters Cooper is able to show how white Americans would treat the Native Americans negatively. Cooper also keeps in mind the different type of relationship that is built between Chingachgook and Hawkeye, which happens to be deep and strong. Also, the romantic aspect of relationships that is represented in The Last of the Mohicans is clearly shown to be an impossible happening for the characters. The Last of the Mohicans shows the importance of race in the early American community and how treatment towards those who are different is shown, yet despite the fact that interracial friendship is frowned upon Hawkeye and Chingachgook keep a firm grip upon their friendship; a final theme is the troubles that form between when two of different races are to fall in love. Cooper does a beautiful job showing each of his interracial interaction points clearly in his novel. Work Cited Blakemore, Steven. â€Å"†Without a Cross†: The Cultural Significance of the Sublime and Beautiful in Coopers The Last of the Mohicans.† University of California Press. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. Burt, Daniel S. â€Å"The Last of the Mohicans.† The Novel 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Novels of All Time, Revised Edition. New York: Chelsea House Publishing, 2010. Bloom’s Literary Reference Online. Facts on File, Inc. 20 Jan. 2012. Cooper, James Fennimore. The Last of the Mohicans: A Narrative of 1757. New York: New American Library, 1962. Print Rinne, Craig. â€Å"White Romance and American Indian Action in Hollywood’s The Last of the Mohicans.† University of Nebraska Press. Web. 20 Jan. 2012 Scalia, Bill. â€Å"The Last of the Mohicans.† In Werlock, Abby H.P., ed. The Facts on File Companion to the American Novel. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 2006. Bloom’s Literary Reference Online. Facts on File, Inc. 20 Jan. 2012