Friday, December 20, 2019

The Politics of the Louisiana Purchase Essay - 2364 Words

Before Thomas Jefferson ever entered the presidency, he believed in the â€Å"Empire of Liberty.† He wrote in a letter to a friend that â€Å"Our confederacy must be viewed as the nest from which all America, North or South, is to be peopled.† His motives for the intense eye on American expansion were greatness for his country, as well as for himself. He was disgusted with the idea of North America being divided into nation-states like Europe. His goal was for the ideals of the American Revolution to spread over the whole continent. He passed and helped pass some of the legislation that helped early America expand. He co-authored the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which allowed for states to be made from the territory east of the Mississippi and†¦show more content†¦In the second part of his letter to Harrison, Jefferson wrote, â€Å"The crisis is pressing. Whatever can now be obtained must be obtained quickly. The occupation of New Orleans, hourly expec ted, by the French, is already felt like a light breeze by the Indians.† This excerpt shows Jefferson’s fear of the Indians becoming bold and attacking Americans under the guise of French protection. He knew that after France repossessed Louisiana, that the Indians would be even less likely to move off their lands. Of course, it takes time and effort to achieve ones dream. Jefferson’s road to acquiring Louisiana had a lot more in its way than the average person. He had to contend with powerful forces both foreign and domestic. The political problems for Thomas Jefferson in acquiring the Louisiana Territory were an international issue and not a distinct domestic one. The biggest component of the situation was Napoleon, and his dreams. Napoleon came to power in France in 1799, when he became the first consul, and shortly after that the emperor of France. The first issue he caused for the Americans was his reacquisition of the Floridas and New Orleans from Spain. Spain allowed the Americans to sail out of the port at New Orleans, but with NapoleonShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of A Wilderness So Immense By John Kukla1487 Words   |  6 PagesImmense by John Kukla explores the events leading up to and the enduring effects of the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. Kukla begins his story almost twenty years before Jefferson bought the Louisiana territory from France and analyzes how factors ranging from major revolutions to personal relationships all culminated to make the most famous land acquisition in American history possible. He argues that the Louisiana Purchase was not only a case a good luck on Jefferson’s part or solely the result of Napoleon’sRead MoreDid Thomas Jefferson Abandon His Ethics for the Lousi ana Purchase1020 Words   |  5 Pagesorder to purchase the Louisiana Territory from the French (P. 2)? 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